Residential Window Cleaning
We love our residential clients. Nothing is better than brightening up a home. Time at home is meant to be enjoyed with family, not maintained by you. Let us take this dangerous task off your hands. Our technicians are ladder safety trained. Hurry call us before you fall off the ladder!

Different Techniques
There are many ways to clean a window, besides using just a rag from the kitchen. At Clear Choice, we trust two different methods: a traditional mop and squeegee approach, and a more modern approach using pure, clean water. With special extension poles and brushes, all windows can be cleaned safely from the ground with amazing results. Most of the homes we clean for the first time will be done with a mop and squeegee. It allows us to get up close to thoroughly inspect the windows; to insure we can get any paint or other stubborn stains that have been built up for years. After that, we prefer to use a water-fed pole. Using this method keeps our operating costs low so we can keep our prices low long term. Through these methods we strive for providing the best service, so that your home will shine like it was always meant to do.

Tracks and Screens
The glass isn’t the only part of the window that gets dirty. Tracks and screens get just as filthy if not worse with all the dirt, dust and cobwebs they attract.
Why should you clean your windows and how often?
Hard water removal
A high TDS (a fancy way of measuring what's in the water) is usually really high due to the minerals inside the water. This causes staining on the windows. The extreme heat also compounds the issue here in North Dallas. A product that we recommend is One Restore. This is a safe product to use on windows. It is an acid-based solution, so if you aren’t comfortable with it, please give us a call and we would be happy to come to your home and apply it properly. Unfortunately, if the issue goes on for too long, the stains will etch into your glass. There are so many things to take care of in a home. We will do all that we can do to make this as easy for you as possible.
Rain Water
If you look at your neighbors’ windows, you’ll most likely notice that the upper portion has a little more dirt on it. That is because of the lack of water on them. When water evaporates, it takes out any impurities, making it mother nature's true Windex. If you are told by a company that they use RainX in their water and so they are better than the other guys, I would be a little wary. We have put RainX into our solution to appease clients, but if we don't need to use chemicals, then we won't. We like to have rain water sit on a window as long as possible in order to pull any dirt with it. Rain water can be helpful to windows, but we understand how getting your windows clean only for it to rain a day or so later could be frustrating. That is why we offer a 5-Day Rain Protection Plan. If your windows get wet again within five days of your appointment, then give us a call and we’ll sort it all out.

Pool water on windows
A common issue we have found here in Texas is pool water on windows. Pools are put in very closely to homes, and unfortunately this can cause some problems. The cleaner's tail can flip up and spray water onto the windows. The chemicals from the pool will eat away at the seals on the windows, causing them to fail sooner. The added chemicals will eventually etch onto the glass, if the seal isn’t already compromised. There are sealants that can be placed onto the windows to prevent etching, but it has to be reapplied so often the cost benefit isn’t there. Luckily, this is a pretty simple issue to mend. A Tail Sweep Pro is an inexpensive and easy fix. It’s a very productive tool for how much it will save in replacing a window and wasted water sprayed out. It will also keep the sidewalk clear of water too. It could even void the warranty that you paid for. If this is of interest to you, the link to purchase is below.
A guide to hiring a Window Cleaner
There are many types of window cleaning businesses, believe it or not. As a homeowner, here are a few things to consider when hiring a business or a neighbor to clean your windows. he biggest question to ask is if you can trust them to come into your home. Your home is where you should feel most secure. Any kind of cleaner spends a good deal of time in your space. The likelihood that a business will come in and take advantage of this trust is very low, but it should be the first thing considered when looking for a cleaner. If they are trusted, then they will also typically do a good job. If the business is a little larger, then ask how they screen employees and how many will typically be on a job. It would also help to look into their reputation. A simple Google search can show a lot about a business.
The next thing to consider is if they are properly insured and have a business license. Window cleaning carries a pretty large amount of risk and recent insurance has really increased for this type of a business. A price that seems too good to be true (under $50 for a 3,000 sq. ft. home) usually indicates either they don’t carry proper insurance or the quality of work might be poor. This easily leads into price. Shop around and find out what is included in a service combined with what you feel comfortable spending. Some companies will give a rain warranty, while others might only cover the windows on the main portion of the building. There isn’t a standard cost for a cleaning, and each job can vary in complexity. We recommend at least choosing someone that has either come by your home or you have sent photos to the estimator so there are no surprises at the end of a service. Don’t stop at just window cleaning. There is so much to think about when upkeeping a house or workplace. Look for areas that are hard to reach and might need a little dusting. There is nothing worse than having a smoke alarm that is out of reach start beeping at 3 AM. Consider having an extra battery on hand. If you mention that you have read this far into our website let us know, and we will change out a smoke alarm battery for free when we come to do your windows. We’d be happy to help.
How Can You Prepare to Have Your Windows Professionally Cleaned?
At Clear Choice, we ask for any decor that is breakable to be removed from around the windows. If you are in a hurry to have us in and out quickly, raising blinds beforehand can greatly reduce the time we are in the home. We’re willing to help move any larger furniture that might be making it difficult for us to gain access to your windows. We are guests in your home, so if any special requests are made, we will be happy to accommodate. You know your home better than anyone in the world. We are primarily a home-service business, which means that we train our technicians to be respectful to both the physical aspects of your home, and more importantly to those who reside in it. We spend countless hours training and prepping, so you can use your time to enjoy what you love to do.
How much will this cost me?
Pricing a home will vary depending on how many windows you have and the size of windows on your home. We do most of our estimates by using Google Earth, or pictures that are provided by you as the homeowner. If you feel that your home requires us to come out for a look, we would be happy to provide a free onsite estimate. We are happy to show that we care about your home and how much you should be spending on it.