Contact Us
We work hard to make your place clean. We are here to take the load off of your shoulders. Too many people fall off of step ladders and end up in the Emergency Room just trying to clean a window.
The cost that it takes to clean that window won’t even come remotely close to a doctor’s visit. All of our estimates are of no cost to you. There is a good chance that we can even look up most homes online, and get an exact price without making a trip out.
Clear Choice
Window Cleaning
Don’t leave our website wondering if window cleaning is in your budget. We keep our service area relatively small compared to other service businesses here in DFW. That keeps the amount of drive time lower, plus lowers the cost to you. Simply fill out a forum below or give us a call. We will help you through the hiring process so that you can feel comfortable about who you choose. By hiring a locally owned business, you can count on personalized service.
Monday - Saturday
7:00 am - 7:00 pm
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